This Inglemoor Baseball Fan page was created with the FANS in mind…

This page is solely to promote and bring recognition to the team and hopefully increase attendance and awareness of the team and players.

This Fan page is mainly dedicated to the Varsity Team. The people who follow our page (Alumni, Alumni parents, other schools & baseball enthusiasts) are not really interested in JV or C-Team.  However, we are not opposed to posting JV and C-Team information, if someone wants to volunteer to provide it. contact us if you are interested

We do not clutter our web pages or social media posts with things only pertinent to the team:  Example: Practice schedule, practice time changes, bus transportation, booster events, game uniform colors, someone lost a hat, etc. There are other web pages to get that information. This web page concentrates on games, our team, opponents, and alumni.

This web page is not affiliated with Inglemoor  High School, Inglemoor Baseball, Inglemoor booster club, or Inglemoor coaches. This is a free and independent news source as protected under the 1st amendment.

Our intent is to keep it positive and enjoyable for the readers. However; we may from time to time be critical and or opinionated about coaches, or school administration (hasn’t happened yet, but it could) and that is within our right. We will never say anything to demean or criticize a player from our team or any other team. We reserve the right to be critical of fans, who are NOT in compliance with the KingCo code of conduct at any public event or game.

The original graphic artwork produced by us, for this web site is copyright protected.

2019 copyright www.ihsvikingbaseball.com all rights reserved U.S.A
2019 copyright www.ihsvikingbaseball.org all rights reserved U.S.A
2019 copyright www.inglemoorbaseball.org all rights reserved U.S.A
2019 copyright www.inglemoorbaseball.com all rights reserved U.S.A

Do NOT copy and paste our original graphics as your own on Facebook or other social media sites. If we post it on Facebook, share our post to show the original creator. We are not opposed to having our original graphic artwork used by others, as long as we get credit for the creation of it. However, always ask permission first. You can ask for permission at Contact us – 

If you see our graphics being used on any other websites or flyers please report them to Contact us 





2019 copyright www.inglemoorbaseball.org all rights reserved U.S.A

error: This content is protected - contact information@inglemoorbaseball.org for more informaiton